In Your Hands - D2 Percussion

D2 Percussion

Product Code: BK000011

As well as being a manual for self-tuition, this tutor book is designed to be used by instructors as a teaching resource, outlining the structure and execution of the rudiments and exercises covered.
With over two hundred and fifty snare drummers a week currently working from this material it has been tested thoroughly to ensure the learner’s journey is efficient and effective.
At the core of the book, technique and musical understanding is fundamental and on completion of this tutor, the learner will have a solid understanding of rudiments and exercises as well as a repertoire of drum scores that will allow them to play at a competitive standard.
The Davids have also compiled this tutor book for candidates looking to use pipe band snare drumming as their practical element for music examinations. Much of the repertoire contained in this book will be of sufficient standard to be used across several examination standards.This tutor book, along with practice and dedication to your drumming, will ensure you are on the right path to become an accomplished pipe band snare drummer.

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