PiobMasterPro 4.0
The Bagpipe Shop
Product Code: MIS00003
PiobMasterPro 4.0 is the next generation bagpipe notation application for Windows 10 and 11
Since PiobMasterPro 3.0 was launched in 2012, Ceol Mor Software & Publishing Ltd have redesigned and improved the base level internal code, improving both permormance and functionality. We have also resolved problematic issues that users experienced around installation, using the help file and also the loss of registered license details. Some other bugs have been fixed also.
The National Piping Centre Collaboration
Ceol Mor Software & Publishing Ltd are now working closely with Finlay MacDonald and his team of instructors at The National Piping Centre of Scotland, to continually improve and advance the functionality of the software over the coming months and years.
To create a PiobMasterPro 4.0 tune is as simple as Insert->Edit->Play
PiobMasterPro 4.0 now offers a Quick Start page containing the most commonly used tune structures, which will allow for faster transcribing of tunes.
PiobMasterPro 4.0 offers complete flexibility regarding how the page can be constructed, including text, music and image objects. Each object is effectively drawn onto the page, from which it can be resized and repositioned anywhere on the page. The contents of the object is also resized automaically. There is no limit to the number of Text, Music or Image objects that can be added to a page. Text, Music, Image, bars, note groups and even notes all have properties that can be easily edited by the user
PiobMasterPro 4.0 tabbed layout takes the user intuitively through the creation of a pipe music document. Multiple documents can be worked on simultaneously as they are also tabbed. Allowing for text, music and images to be copied and pasted between tunes
PiobMasterPro 4.0 has a modern look & feel and it is as much a music book publishing piece of software, as it is a bagpipe music writing program. This means that music tutor books can be reproduced where every phrase or exercise on the page comes to life with the ability for them to be played back. Checkout the example page from the National Piping Centre Tutorbook opposite.
PiobMasterPro 4.0: Requires Internet access to install, register and license check the product.